Autodesk inventor iso 4017 m8×25
Autodesk inventor iso 4017 m8×25

autodesk inventor iso 4017 m8×25

  • To use existing parameters, dimensions, when positioning holes use Ctrl+click when selecting the parameter you want to reference.
  • autodesk inventor iso 4017 m8×25

    When a value is valid, the value color is black. Value Edit visual feedback, when a value is invalid, for example, the specified thread length is larger than hole depth, the value color turns red.Press CTRL+Enter to create the hole and close the property panel. Edited values in the property panel can be committed by pressing Enter or Tab to move to the next field.Active manipulators highlight in the canvas, and in the property panel the associated field has focus. Parameter values can be edited in the property panel, in-canvas, or by clicking-dragging the feature parameter manipulator.Rename active Hole and Sketch nodes from within the property panel by clicking the breadcrumb text to select it, then clicking again to edit the text.

    autodesk inventor iso 4017 m8×25

    You can rename features and sketches via their breadcrumb. If you click Hole, you are in the place feature environment. For example, during hole creation, if you click on the breadcrumb "Sketch" you are placed in the sketch environment. You can click breadcrumb text to move to that step of the process. Property panels make use of a breadcrumb for steps in the process.Parameters in a section affect the feature and set the context for the following sections in the panel. The Property Panel workflow is progressive and flows from top to bottom of the panel.

    Autodesk inventor iso 4017 m8×25