This heavy slab serif font packs a punch. HVD Comic Serif isn’t Comic Sans with serifs added. It’s the overuse that’s made Comic Sans into the Batsuit-nipples of the font world. Wilson, but not exactly Christian Bale either. It’s as innocuous as Val Kilmer’s Batman: Not quite as forgettable as Lewis G. It uses a single-story lower-case a and simple lower-case g rather than letter-press versions of these letters, in theory allowing early readers to decode text more easily. In its defense, Comic Sans is one of very few fonts that works well at “display” sizes, yet retain readability, both on screen and printed, when very small. Obviously, your physical appearance choices and your font choices can have absolutely nothing to do with the inner truth, but we cannot deny the impact of the initial visual impression.” Using Comic Sans, you send a visual message that your work is unconsidered, unprofessional, and probably untrustworthy. “Your font choice provokes the same sort of reaction from others. We dress and groom ourselves to fit a general image of who we think we are, and how we want others to see us,” says Williams. “Your hairstyle, your car choice, your clothes-all provoke an immediate response from others.

But using it even a little is a little too much. Nowadays, Comic Sans elicits a visceral response: Either you hate it, or you use it.